Nicole Schindel » AP Human Geography Syllabus

AP Human Geography Syllabus

Welcome to AP Human Geography!

AP Human Geography is a college level class that studies human understanding, use and manipulation of the earth. In May, all students will sit for the AP Human Geography exam. If you successfully pass the exam you will receive college credit for taking this course.


Course Objectives: In addition to learning content material for geography, students will develop their reading and writing skills. By the conclusion of the course, students will be able to both read and think critically about the world around them.


  To do this, we will:

  • Read, annotate and discuss primary and secondary sources
  • Analyze maps
  • Develop argumentative and persuasive essays
  • Debate controversial issues throughout history and today


Year Long Plan: In order to study human geography, we will learn through 7 different lenses:


  • Unit 1: Thinking Geographically  
  • Unit 2: Population and Migration Patterns and Processes
  • Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes
  • Unit 4: Political Patterns and Processes
  • Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural-Land Use Patterns and Processes
  • Unit 6: Industrial and Economic Development Patterns and Processes
  • Unit 7: Urban and Cities


AP Exam: To receive college credit for the course, students will take the AP exam in May and receive a score of 3 or above. It is required for all students enrolled in the class to take the exam. 


Grading Policy: Grades will be updated on jump rope. You are encouraged to check your grades daily and come speak to me as soon as you have any concerns to figure out the best plan to bring your grades to where you would like them to be. The breakdown of those grades for this course are:


            20% Unit Assessments: Tests, Unit Essays, Projects and I.A.’s

25% Map Quizzes

35% Homework and Classwork

20% Projects & FRQs


Google Classroom : In order to prepare for college, our assignments must be turned in on google classroom. If you are unable to turn in an assignment online, please come speak to me before the assignment is due.


Supplies: You are required to be prepared for class every day! For this course you are required to have a notebook to take notes in and technology (ipad, laptop etc.)


Homework & Classwork: Everyday homework and classwork will be graded. If you are absent it is your responsibility to make up missed work. If you are absent from school for an extended amount of time, please email me at [email protected] and I can send you the work you missed. All late homework and classwork will result in 10 points off per day late.


Class Rules: My only rule is RESPECT. During our class you must not only respect me, but respect each other, and the classroom. This is a class where we are able to explore different opinions on controversial issues and I would like to create a safe space in which we are able to do so. Please think critically and speak consciously every day.


Academic Honesty: Plagiarized work will receive a 0. This includes copying your friends work (or having them copy yours) or copying information from the internet without citing the source. If you are having trouble completing an assignment, please come talk to me- I’d rather it be late and done well than plagiarized.