Roxanne Hurtado » Algebra 1 Syllabus

Algebra 1 Syllabus

Course description:

  Welcome to Common Core Algebra 1.  As you work through the curriculum in this course you will be encouraged to think and make conjectures while you persevere through challenging problems and exercises.  You will make errors – and that is okay!  Learning and understanding occur when you make errors and push through the roadblocks to comprehend and solve new and challenging problems.  In this course, you will also be required to explain your thinking and your analysis of diverse problems and exercises.  Being actively involved in learning will help you develop mathematical reasoning and use it to solve math problems and work through other everyday challenges.  I wish you the best of luck as you explore throughout this course.  I am excited to be part of your preparation for the challenges you will face in this class throughout the 2020/2021 school year.

Student Evaluation:

Grading (subject to change)

Scholarship 70%

  • Mini-Assessments………………………..15%
  • Quizzes................................10%
  • Homework (Practice Problems)…………………………45%

Effort 30%

  • Classwork…………………………30%
  • Do Now
  • Class work (Assignments will be designated for remote portion)
  • Attendance (Written response prompts)

Test/Quizzes:  Periodic tests and quizzes will be given to determine the student’s understanding of material.  Quizzes and tests will be based on points.  If a student earns a grade that is less than a 65 that student may be required to make corrections and resubmit the assessment until a passing score is earned. 

Homework:  Homework will be given frequently.  All class notes and assignments are to be kept in chronological order in a notebook/binder.  Assignments must be done in pencil and an attempt must be made for each problem in order to receive full credit.  Each problem should appear in the notebook as it appears in the text or on the PDF.  At the teacher’s discretion, each unacceptable assignment may result in the student redoing the assignment or an alternate assignment.  If a student is having difficulty on an assignment and has spent at least 30 minutes, then a parent signature is acceptable for full credit.  Extenuating circumstances should be presented to a math instructor prior to the beginning of class verbally or by email.  A student who misses a homework assignment has until the end of the week to complete the assignment for half credit.  The assignment will become a zero or and (M) after that deadline. Assignments missed on Friday are to be turned in that coming Monday.  

Extra Help:  Usually if a student is having a problem with some material, the question(s) can be cleared up in just a few minutes with extra help.  DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!!  When you are having difficulty, you are to consult with as many peers as you can to get an understanding before, approaching the teacher. If legitimate evidence is given that shows you have attempted to resolve your problem on a peer level and still are having difficulty, please do not hesitate to ask your teacher.