Felix Contreras » 10th Grade ELA - English Enrichment Course Syllabus

10th Grade ELA - English Enrichment Course Syllabus

10th Grade ELA- English Enrichment

Mr. Contreras



Welcome to the 10th Grade ELA- English Enrichment Course! This is possibly the best course to prepare you to win in all areas of life. You will be able to use what we learn here every day, with everyone you encounter. This class focuses on current events and issues in the news; it stimulates students to explore and learn more about the news, and to pay attention to the news they see and hear outside of school.


Learning about current events will help you to communicate well. This class is designed to make you a global citizen and improve communication skills with peers, family, teachers, employers, or large groups of people so that the students may participate more successfully in professional and social life. Individuals are required to make strong choices in verbal and nonverbal messages, listening skills, and critical thinking. Students will be expected to identify, analyze, develop, and evaluate the communication skills needed for professional and social success in interpersonal situations, interviews, group interactions, and professional or personal presentations.


Each class is designed to practice the four modalities of language communication which are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Each activity will focus on vocabulary development, reading strategies, oral skills, and paragraph writing.


Unit 1: Ourselves and Others

Unit 2: Responses to Change

Unit 3: How We See Things

Unit 4: Absolute Power & Ambition

Unit 5: Fighting Against a Goliath




  • Major Essays/ Quizzes/ Tests/ Projects
  • Graded Homework/ Classwork 


  • Homework/ Classwork Assignment Completion
  • Do Nows/ Exit Slips/ Discussion Board Posts
  • Class Participation (In-person, virtual Zoom and Google Meets, Google Classroom presence) 
  • Timeliness 


  • Attending in-person and virtual extra help sessions via Google Meets and Zoom 
  • Completing additional writing/ reading/ blog post assignments


You will be given daily and/or weekly classwork and homework assignments.  All assignments must be handed fully COMPLETE and ON TIME in good condition (ex: no drawings/sketches, no torn paper).  If you are absent, your homework will be due the day you return. 

Lateness Policy 

All homework assignments must be completed in a timely manner.  Late homework will only be accepted until the Friday of the current week for half credit.

Opportunities for Further Learning/ Extra Help 

Usually, if a student is having a problem with some material, the question(s) can be cleared in just a few minutes with extra help. Students are to consult with peers OR their teachers to address possible misconceptions or confusions with classwork and homework assignments. Teachers are also available via email and Remind.


It is expected that you come to class every day; regular attendance is important for your academic success!  If you miss a day of school, please contact one of your classmates or your teachers to catch up on missed work. Assignments must be turned in within a week of their original due date. Please be transparent with your teachers if you have fallen ill and need additional time and support to complete work. 


Using another person’s words or ideas as if they were your own is considered plagiarism.  Your grade will be affected if you use words or ideas from an internet source or another student without crediting them.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your teachers before class, after class, through email, or via the Remind app. 
