Marella Richardson » Phy. Ed Syllabus

Phy. Ed Syllabus

Welcome to Physical Education

Course Syllabus and Curriculum


Course Objective: The goal of Physical Education is to develop physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity. We will also assess and monitor current physical health to meet fitness goals. Listed below are some ways to reach our goal:

  1. Teaching Essential Body Management Skills.
  2. Promoting Physical Fitness as Fun.
  3. Developing Teamwork, Sportsmanship, and Cooperation.


Year Long Plan: Students will have a chance to learn, participate and play various number of activities.

Unit 1: Fitness

Unit 2: Volleyball

Unit 3: Basketball

Unit 4: Soccer

Unit 5: Team handball

Unit 6: Recreational games

Unit 7: Flag football

Unit 8: Ultimate Frisbee


Grading Policy: You do not have to be a great athlete to pass Physical Education. You must follow the rules and participate in all class activities. It is the student’s responsibility to check their grades online or in person with their teacher.

  • Scholarship – 20% which includes individual projects, homework/assessments.
  • Class work/Attendance/Participation – 80% which includes google classroom classwork assignments, attendance and participation in zoom classes


Attendance Policy For In Person: Except for all illness or other justifiable reasons, attendance in all classes is expected. On your return to school from being absent you must present a note from a doctor or guardian signed. If you are absent (5) or more times during a marking period, you are in jeopardy of receiving an incomplete grade.


Attendance Policy For Remote Learning: Please follow the “in person” attendance policy. The only difference will be that your attendance will be recorded online and your excuse/doctor notes will be submitted online.

Phys Ed Attire: Please make sure to have sneakers, shorts/sweatpants, t-shirt/sweatshirt for class.

Behavior: There will be (3) main class rules to follow:

  1. Respect your teacher
  2. Respect your classmates
  3. Respect the equipment


Let’s all have a great year!!