Ms. Arzu LE Remote-T/Th afternoon Assignments

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Genetics (protein synthesis/heredity) quiz in Google Classroom

Genetics (protein synthesis/heredity) quiz



Edpuzzle - [Protein Synthesis] Protein Synthesis in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - [Protein Synthesis] Protein Synthesis


Live Session - Traits Lab  in Google Classroom

Live Session - Traits Lab

This lab is done in class. First part is to be done independently, second part is done getting data from the rest of the class;


Practice reading the Codon chart (Protein synthesis) in Google Classroom

Practice reading the Codon chart (Protein synthesis)

Explore the steps of transcription and translation in protein synthesis! This video explains several reasons why proteins are so important before explaining the roles of mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA in the steps of protein synthesis!
SWBAT follow the processes of DNA transcription and translation as they relate to creation of a specific protein.
Students will watch this video as a review of the structure and function of proteins in the human body. Students will take notes from the video clip

Complete the codon chart worksheet


Protein Synthesis in Google Classroom

Protein Synthesis

SWBAT follow the processes of DNA transcription and translation as they relate to creation of a specific protein.


DNA Replication  in Google Classroom

DNA Replication

Standard: Heredity and Reproduction -
A. DNA stores and transmits genetic information. Genes are sets of instructions encoded in the structure of DNA.

B. Genetic information is passed from generation to generation by DNA in all organisms and accounts for similarities in related individuals.

C. Manipulation of DNA in organisms has led to commercial production of biological molecules on a large scale and genetically modified organisms.

D. Reproduction is characteristic of living things and is essential for the survival of species.

Learning Target:
Students will be able to identify and recognized the process of DNA replication, why it happens, and where it happens.


Edpuzzle - DNA & RNA in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - DNA & RNA

Each chromosome consists of a single very long DNA molecule, and each gene on the chromosome is a particular segment of that DNA. The instructions for forming species’ characteristics are carried in DNA. All cells in an organism have the same genetic content, but the genes used (expressed) by the cell may be regulated in different ways. Not all DNA codes for a protein; some segments of DNA are involved in regulatory or structural functions, and some have no as-yet known function.
All cells contain genetic information in the form of DNA molecules. Genes are regions in the DNA that contain the instructions that code for the formation of proteins, which carry out most of the work of cells.

Learning Targets
Students will be able to know what are the major differences between RNA and DNA.
What is DNA, How does it work?
What are the building blocks of life?
What are the four kinds of molecules/bases. How are they paired?


Edpuzzle - Enzymes and...Pac-Man? in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Enzymes and...Pac-Man?

Enzymes review.
Students will be able to explain how enzymes work, what are enzymes and their main characteristics.
What are the Enzymes two main functions?


Edpuzzle - M: What Is DNA?  in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - M: What Is DNA?

Hereditary/genetic information in chromosomes is contained in molecules of DNA. Genes are sections of DNA that direct syntheses of specific proteins associated with traits in organisms. These consist of various combinations of four different nucleotides that encode this information through their sequences.


Genetics in Google Classroom


Hereditary/genetic information in chromosomes is contained in molecules of DNA. Genes are sections of DNA that direct syntheses of specific proteins associated with traits in organisms. These consist of various combinations of four different nucleotides that encode this information through their sequences.


Vaccine and the Immune System in Google Classroom

Vaccine and the Immune System

This lesson is to help students gain a better understanding of the contents and origin of vaccines. They should understand the relationship of the vaccine to primary and secondary immune responses of the body.
Standard: Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science.


Edpuzzle - The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do

I will learn about COVID-19, what is it?
What type of disease it causes?
How it enter into our bodies/
What system gets affected by it?
what other organs get affected.


Edpuzzle - Vaccines in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Vaccines

This lesson is to help students gain a better understanding of the contents and origin of vaccines. They should understand the relationship of the vaccine to primary and secondary immune responses of the body. (Note: Students should have an understanding of basic humoral immunity before using this lesson)


Assignment - Variation of Inherited Traits LS3.A-2 Playlist in Google Classroom

Assignment - Variation of Inherited Traits LS3.A-2 Playlist

Click the link attached to join the assignment.


Autoimmune diseases in Google Classroom

Autoimmune diseases


How the immune system works  in Google Classroom

How the immune system works

Read, annotate and answer the questions


What is the body second line of defense? in Google Classroom

What is the body second line of defense?


Pathogens and Immune system  in Google Classroom

Pathogens and Immune system

1.2d If there is a disruption in any human system, there may be a corresponding imbalance in homeostasis.


What is the first line of defense of the body? in Google Classroom

What is the first line of defense of the body?


Edpuzzle - Immune System in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Immune System


Are you present today  in Google Classroom

Are you present today


How many chromosomes do we need from each parent? in Google Classroom

How many chromosomes do we need from each parent?


Introduction to Genetics/Heredity in Google Classroom

Introduction to Genetics/Heredity

Key Idea 2:
Organisms inherit genetic information in a variety of ways that result in continuity of structure and function
between parents and offspring.

Explain why kids look like their parents
How DNA, Nucleus, Chromosomes, genes related.
2.1c Hereditary information is contained in genes, located in the chromosomes of each
cell. An inherited trait of an individual can be determined by one or by many genes, and
a single gene can influence more than one trait. A human cell contains many thousands
of different genes in its nucleus.
2.1d In asexually reproducing organisms, all the genes come from a single parent.
Asexually produced offspring are normally genetically identical to the parent.
2.1e In sexually reproducing organisms, the new individual receives half of the genetic
information from its mother (via the egg) and half from its father (via the sperm). Sexually
produced offspring often resemble, but are not identical to, either of their parents.


What is genetics? in Google Classroom

What is genetics?


Enzymes (practice) in Google Classroom

Enzymes (practice)

Complete with Kami


What are the 3 things that can affect the way enzymes work? in Google Classroom

What are the 3 things that can affect the way enzymes work?


Intro to Enzymes in Google Classroom

Intro to Enzymes

Today we will start with the power point. You are responsible for following the slides and complete your notes. You can do that as I teach. You have the powerpoint to go over, and complete the worksheet if you fall behind.


Unit 1 exam  in Google Classroom

Unit 1 exam

You have from now until 11:59 tonight to submit your test.


Unit 1 test. CELL  in Google Classroom

Unit 1 test. CELL

This test will be on for an hour.


What is 1 difference between plant cell and animal cell? in Google Classroom

What is 1 difference between plant cell and animal cell?

There are certain characteristics in the plant cell than in an animal cell


Edpuzzle - Human Body Systems: 1Body Systems in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Human Body Systems: 1Body Systems


Edpuzzle - Organelles -Questions in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Organelles -Questions


Edpuzzle - Diffusion | Amoeba Sisters in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Diffusion | Amoeba Sisters


Edpuzzle - Biology Vocabulary (Unicellular,Multicellular,Tissue,Organ,Organ System) in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Biology Vocabulary (Unicellular,Multicellular,Tissue,Organ,Organ System)


Edpuzzle - Photosynthesis in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Photosynthesis

Watch the video, take notes, and answer the questions for full credit.


Live lesson Homeostasis in Google Classroom

Live lesson Homeostasis

Guiding Question: How can our bodies stay alive by maintaining balance?

I can explain Homeostasis and analyze examples of it.
I can explain how feedback helps to maintain homeostasis.


Passive and active transport in Google Classroom

Passive and active transport


Edpuzzle - Homeostasis  in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Homeostasis


When a person’s body needs food, the
 brain helps maintain homeostasis by
 sending signals that make the person
 in Google Classroom

When a person’s body needs food, the brain helps maintain homeostasis by sending signals that make the person


Which system is responsible for transporting hormones from the endocrine glands for various body tissues? in Google Classroom

Which system is responsible for transporting hormones from the endocrine glands for various body tissues?


 The levels of organization for structure and function in the human body from least complex to most complex are in Google Classroom

The levels of organization for structure and function in the human body from least complex to most complex are


Body systems in Google Classroom

Body systems

Students will be able to relate single cells to tissues to organs to organ systems to an organism by creating an analogy using a model train.
Big Idea
Body systems are made of tiny parts working together.


Diffusion/osmosis in Google Classroom


LT: I can define diffusion, osmosis, and passive transport.
I can explain how water and small molecules enter/exit the cell.

Diffusion:The random movement of molecules or particles, resulting in the net movement of a substance from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration.
Osmosis: The diffusion of water across a semi-permeable membrane.

Solute: A substance that is dissolved in a solution.

Solution: A homogeneous, liquid mixture of two or more substances.

Semi-permeable Membrane: A membrane that allows some molecules, but not others, to pass through it.


Cell organization in Google Classroom

Cell organization

Watch the video and answer the questions.


Edpuzzle - Topic 2: Cells and Cell Organization in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Topic 2: Cells and Cell Organization




ATTACHED you will find the powerpoint, the video and the worksheet.
1. Take notes as you watch the video and view the powerpoint.
2. Complete the worksheet by using kami, and submitted.


What is the net production of energy from glycolysis? in Google Classroom

What is the net production of energy from glycolysis?


What is the main source of energy on Earth? in Google Classroom

What is the main source of energy on Earth?


If plants breathe in carbon dioxide, what do they breathe out? in Google Classroom

If plants breathe in carbon dioxide, what do they breathe out?


Cells  in Google Classroom


You have a chance to A's this test because there are 15 questions, 10 points each.


Which cell organelle is responsible for storing food, water or waste?
 in Google Classroom

Which cell organelle is responsible for storing food, water or waste?


While viewing a slide rapidly moving sperm cells, a student concludes that these cells require a large amount of energy to maintain their activity. The organelles that most directly provide this energy are known as  in Google Classroom

While viewing a slide rapidly moving sperm cells, a student concludes that these cells require a large amount of energy to maintain their activity. The organelles that most directly provide this energy are known as

Think of the organelle that its main function is to produce energy.


Which cell structure is mainly responsible for releasing energy from food molecules in some single-celled organisms?
 in Google Classroom

Which cell structure is mainly responsible for releasing energy from food molecules in some single-celled organisms?

Think of where the energy is produced.


Live Lesson 5 - Virtual LAB - Plant v Animal Cell
 in Google Classroom

Live Lesson 5 - Virtual LAB - Plant v Animal Cell

LAB - Plant v Animal Cell
Kids will go to the website and follow the prompts - they will keep a record of the lab in their Notebook and upload a picture of the journal page when finished.


Which sequence of terms is in the correct order from simplest to most complex? in Google Classroom

Which sequence of terms is in the correct order from simplest to most complex?

From smallest to largest


Microscope activity in Google Classroom

Microscope activity

Take a screen shot of the virtual lab and submitted.


One difference between plant and animal cells is that animal cells do not have  in Google Classroom

One difference between plant and animal cells is that animal cells do not have


cell organelles and functions worksheet  in Google Classroom

cell organelles and functions worksheet

Complete the worksheet as part of today's lesson. Open it using kami. You should have the option on center top of the document .


Some are attached to other organelles in the cell and others flow freely  in the cytoplasm in Google Classroom

Some are attached to other organelles in the cell and others flow freely in the cytoplasm

This is an organelle where protein is produced.


Cells  in Google Classroom


You can go back to your notes, if you are not sure of the answer.


Living things are made up of  in Google Classroom

Living things are made up of


Which of the following is a group of cells that works together to perform a specific function? in Google Classroom

Which of the following is a group of cells that works together to perform a specific function?


Cell structure  in Google Classroom

Cell structure

Answer the questions using Kami


Cell Specialization  in Google Classroom

Cell Specialization

1. Watch the video and answer the questions embedded in the video

2. Open the worksheet attached on Kami, completed and submitted.


Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in Google Classroom

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

Complete the entire assignment for full credit. Read, annotate, answer the questions and watch the video.

Complete the graphic organizer attached


Which statement best describes the plasma membrane of a living plant cell  in Google Classroom

Which statement best describes the plasma membrane of a living plant cell

All you have to think about is what is the function of a cell membrane


Introduction to Cells  in Google Classroom

Introduction to Cells

Click on the link below to watch the video which contains questions that you need to answer. You can not skip the video.

2. Go through the power point. Take notes in your notebook for future reference for your quizzes or test. make sure you follow the instructions.


Cell organelles and their function in Google Classroom

Cell organelles and their function


Arrange the following from smallest to largest. 
Organ, cell, organ system, tissue in Google Classroom

Arrange the following from smallest to largest. Organ, cell, organ system, tissue

Which is the smallest unit of life?


Name 5 different type of cells in Google Classroom

Name 5 different type of cells

Remember our body is made out of billions of cells.


What is the difference between a living and a non-living thing? in Google Classroom

What is the difference between a living and a non-living thing?

Before you answer the question Think about this why is a tree considered a living thing while a rock is not ?