AP US History Pd. 4-A-Day Monday & Wednesday Assignments

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Past Assignments


Day 27- The War of 1812 in Google Classroom

Day 27- The War of 1812


Day 26- Jefferson's Second Term & The Embargo Act in Google Classroom

Day 26- Jefferson's Second Term & The Embargo Act


Day 25- The Louisiana Purchase & Lewis & Clark in Google Classroom

Day 25- The Louisiana Purchase & Lewis & Clark


Day 24- The Election of Jefferson & The Revolution of 1800 in Google Classroom

Day 24- The Election of Jefferson & The Revolution of 1800


Day 23- John Adams & The Alien & Sedition Acts in Google Classroom

Day 23- John Adams & The Alien & Sedition Acts


Day 22- George Washington's Presidency in Google Classroom

Day 22- George Washington's Presidency


Day 21- Hamilton v. Jefferson in Google Classroom

Day 21- Hamilton v. Jefferson

Complete the Google doc.


Day 20- Federalists v. Antifederalists in Google Classroom

Day 20- Federalists v. Antifederalists

Complete the google doc.


Day 19- The Constitutional Convention in Google Classroom

Day 19- The Constitutional Convention

Complete the google doc.


Day 18- The Articles of Confederation & Shays' Rebellion in Google Classroom

Day 18- The Articles of Confederation & Shays' Rebellion

Complete the google doc.


Day 17- Revolutionary Society in Google Classroom

Day 17- Revolutionary Society

Complete the Google Doc.


Day 3- European Exploration & The Columbian Exchange in Google Classroom

Day 3- European Exploration & The Columbian Exchange

We will complete pages 1-2 during class today. Pages 3-5 will be due tomorrow (Thursday) by 3PM.


Day 2- Pre-Columbian Native American Societies in Google Classroom

Day 2- Pre-Columbian Native American Societies

Complete the attached google document. The slides that are provided will assist you with page 1.


Day 1- Introduction to AP US History in Google Classroom

Day 1- Introduction to AP US History

Complete the document attached!