Genarina Usera » AP Bio

AP Bio

 AP Bio /   Mrs. Usera

[email protected]




Welcome to Advanced Placement Biology!

Thank you for getting on board with me in this challenging but rewarding voyage!

This trip will take you on an adventure of new discoveries, learning new ideas as well as activating your science prior knowledge. To be honest, this course will be very demanding and fast-paced. It will require you to invest a lot of time and thought. 

AP Biology is a year-long course designed for high school students as an opportunity to earn AP credit on their high school transcript, as well as a placement credit for an introductory college-level course. Students who earn a qualifying score on the AP Biology test are typically eligible to receive college credit and placement in advanced science course in college. This course is aligned to the College Board AP Biology Curriculum Framework and is based on four Big Ideas (detailed below), which encompass core scientific principles, theories, and processes that cut across traditional boundaries and provide a broad way of thinking about living organisms and biological systems. Twenty-five percent of instructional time is devoted to virtual hands-on laboratory work with an emphasis on inquiry-based investigations. Investigations require students to ask questions, make observations and predictions, design experiments, analyze data, and construct arguments in a collaborative setting, where they direct and monitor their progress.

This course is designed to prepare students for the Biology College Board Advanced Placement Exam.


A key to success in AP Bio is your inner motivation and your daily commitment. It will be important for you to learn how to prioritize your time and put in the time that this course requires. If you are able to accomplish this, then together we could have fun and be successful.

This course is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in college level introductory Biology.



Today’s world is full of information. All this information is at the palm of our hands. Being successful is to be able to use all this information critically and wisely. This course will help you become critical thinkers. This will be achieved through investigations, research, class discussions, and hands on activities.



Course Objectives

The College Board has organized this course around the curriculum frame work broken down into the following big ideas:

Big Idea 1:  The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.

Big Idea 2:  Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.

Big Idea 3:  Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes.

Big Idea 4:  Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.

Students will conduct and analyze original and classic laboratory experiments, utilizing data collected during classroom activities, community and field research, and current information available on appropriate internet sites.

Students will be encouraged to focus on understanding important relationships, processes, and application of concepts. The need to know and understand specialized terminology, as well as technical details, this will be paramount in understanding the mechanisms involved in the major course themes.  The following are the overarching science practices that correspond with the new AP Biology guidelines: Students will:

Demonstrate proficiency in academic subject areas

Pose and pursue substantive questions

Interpret, critique and synthesize information

Identify problems, explore resolutions and design solutions

Respond to failures and success with reflection and resilience

Pursue experiences of interest, passion and curiosity

Collaborate with others to solve non-routine problems and novel tasks to elevate beyond what one would accomplish individually

Listen to alternative ideas and communicate responses cogently and respectfully.





2022-2023 Course Outline


Exam Weighting

Unit 1: Chemistry of Life


Unit 2: Cell Structure and Function


Unit 3: Cellular Energetics


Unit 4: Cell Communication and Cell Cycle


Unit 5: Heredity


Unit 6: Gene Expression and Regulation


Unit 7: Natural Selection


Unit 8: Ecology




The AP Biology Exam assesses student understanding of the science practices and learning objectives outlined in the course framework. The exam is 3 hours long and includes 60 multiple-choice questions and 6 free-response questions. A four-function, scientific, or graphing calculator is allowed on both sections of the exam. The details of the exam, including exam weighting and timing, can be found below:


Class Policies, Expectations and Rules

  • Arrive to class on time with your materials out and ready, start working on your Do Now activity.


Norms in Google Meet (GM) – For Make Up Classes and Extra Support

  • Sign in to our scheduled GM class at least 3 minutes early so that you are in the GM WAITING ROOM and we can start instruction ON TIME. Thanks!
  • All GM students will be fully dressed. Seriously.
  • All GM students will have their tablet/device focused on their full face in the cameral frame as this increases communication between everyone to increase learning.
  • All GM students will do their best to remain engaged and focused for the duration of the GM class, which I will try to keep to 30 minutes.
  • All GM students will eliminate outside distractions (TV, games, cell phones, other people/pets, etc.)
  • Extend RESPECT in all ways to GM participants, at ALL times.
  • AUDIO is off until called on by your instructor.
  • Make sure you have a proper GM screen name which is your OFFICIAL STUDENT NAME.
  • Make sure your GM background is school appropriate with enough light for visibility.
  • Your instructor will share the process for asking questions while in a GM class.
  • Taking screenshots of GM class is not permitted unless you are given permission by your instructor AND your class.
  • Students displaying behaviors not appropriate to the norms above will be removed from the GM room and reported to school administration and parents.


Absences/ Late work/ Make up work:

  • NO LATE WORK IS ACCEPTED. This is to prepare you for college. Medical excuses can be discussed directly with me.
  • The AP test assumes student have knowledge of certain labs. Labs cannot always be made up. Student must be present for labs, and will have warning when there are lab days.
  • Work for unexcused absences will not be graded. After 5 unexcused absences, earn a failing grade.
  • Arrangements for absences due to school activities or shows must be made before the show date. If in doubt, contact your teacher! Extensions will not be given on the due date so plan ahead!



Assessments and Grading Policy

Grades are earned, not given. Students are responsible for knowing and maintaining their grade! As this is a science class, labs and activities are worth a large part of student’s grades. A student’s grade includes homework, labs, test, quizzes, notebook/participation a midterm and a final.





Participation/Engagement: 20%

  • Do Now’s and Exit Tickets, Verbal/Non-verbal Participation and Engagement

Scholarship: 80%

  • HW/Projects/writing Assignments/Group Activities(discussions) 30%
  • Tests/ Quizzes: 30%
  • Labs/ Activities: 10%
  • Midterm/Final 10%




  1. Come to class prepared to learn each day. This means you have done any required reading of textbook chapters or lab handouts, and brought all required materials.
  2. Come to class alert and ready to ask questions about the topics being covered.
  3. Allocate at least one hour daily to study for this course. During this hour, read and take notes about the text. Write questions about concepts you don’t understand to ask in class the next period. Review any notes taken during class the day they are taken.
  4. Be sure to study in a quiet location, free from as many distractions as possible.
  5. Form study groups with 2-3 others in your class. Larger groups are unproductive.
  6. When taking notes, don’t write everything you hear being said! Write down key words and concepts. Listen for catch phrases like “this is important” or “remember this.”
  7. When you are truly struggling with a concept, come in for tutoring. I am here to help!
  8. Enjoy the experience…biology is a fabulous topic, and we will learn so much this year!



The AP Bio exam will be administered on Wednesday May 10, 2023 at 12:00 PM. You will be required to make a deposit of $15.00 that will be refunded to you before the administration of the test. The due date for the deposit ______________If you have any questions or concerns about the test deposit, see me, Ms. Moellinger or Mr. White.

You will also be required to register for the course on the AP website (laptops will be provided by the school during class time)


Welcome back and I hope our year is a successful one!

Mrs. Usera