Psychology 101-Period 5 Assignments

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Did you complete your final project?  Don't forget to include your 6+ references! in Google Classroom

Did you complete your final project? Don't forget to include your 6+ references!

If you are finished, that is great - if you are in need of some revision, please take today to do so.  REMEMBER that you need to include a reference slide/page and you also need to reference your photos!  Stay safe and wear a mask outside :). See you all on Monday :)


Serial Killer FINAL Project!  in Google Classroom

Serial Killer FINAL Project!

Can you believe the semester is already ending? You will have 2 weeks to complete this assignment, although you will be given other assignments, as well. It will count as your FINAL! (That means it is 20% of your grade!) As an individual, or in a group of no more than 3, you will create a power point presentation or write a 5 page paper on a serial killer of your choice. Each group may choose a serial killer (or famous person with a mental disorder) from the list, or if you feel there is another person you want to research that is not on the list, please get my approval first. Each person/group will also present the powerpoint/paper to the class.  Therefore; each group/person will need to choose a different killer to research.  This will be done first come, first serve.  

The instructions are attached in the word document. Follow the directions and include the information requested. Many students find this to be one of the most interesting assignments that they do in this class, but some find it very sad and disturbing. If you would like to research a famous person with a mental disorder instead of a serial killer, you may do that instead. Again, please check with me before you go ahead and complete the project. Make sure you answer the questions listed in the attached directions, and as always, reach out of you have any concerns or questions. You guys are doing great! Keep it up - get your college credits!  There are 2 exemplars attached to refer to, as well. (One PPT and one paper).


Case Studies and Diagnosis in Google Classroom

Case Studies and Diagnosis

Completed in class!


Nature v. Nurture Reaction Paper (Reaction Paper #3). LAST ONE OF THE YEAR :) in Google Classroom

Nature v. Nurture Reaction Paper (Reaction Paper #3). LAST ONE OF THE YEAR :)

Guidelines, rubric and model paper are in the Reference Section of the google classroom.
Find an article from a reliable source, (use a scholarly article/journal article) surrounding Nature v Nurture.
Here are some of the topics we discussed in this Unit:
Twin studies
Feral Children 
Male v. Female gender roles/stereotypes - learned or innate?
Intelligence - learned or innate?
Poverty of Genes
Harlow: contact/mom's nurturing
Aggression - learned or innate?


Harlow DEJ in Google Classroom

Harlow DEJ

Upload a photo of your DEJ here.  Remember that you are choosing questions that are open - ended, so there are no wrong answers!


Nature v Nurture Mind Map or DEJ in Google Classroom

Nature v Nurture Mind Map or DEJ

If you didn't get to show mw your completed mind map or DEJ in class, please upload a photo of your work here.  Remember that you are choosing one of the last 2 articles, (twins studies or poor genes).   HAVE AN AWESOME SPRING BREAK!  See you soon :)


Zombie Cure in Google Classroom

Zombie Cure

Now that you know so much about the brain, neurons and zombies, it is time to create your zombie cure!  You may work in a small group or independently.  The project guidelines are attached here, as well as the rubric.  

Your choices are a slideshow, poster, song, skit or more. (There is a slideshow sample/model attached).

Presentations will begin next Wednesday.


Zombie Cure in Google Classroom

Zombie Cure

Now that you know so much about the brain, neurons and zombies, it is time to create your zombie cure!  You may work in a small group or independently.  The project guidelines are attached here, as well as the rubric.  

Your choices are a slideshow, poster, song, skit or more. (There is a slideshow sample/model attached).

Presentations will begin next Wednesday.  


Reaction Paper #1: Male v. Female Brain in Google Classroom

Reaction Paper #1: Male v. Female Brain

Use 1 of the articles presented in class to write a 2 page (typed) reaction paper using the Google Doc attached here.  Refer to the guidelines and rubric handed out in class and as listed in the Materials section of GC.


Male v Female Brain Double Entry Journal in Google Classroom

Male v Female Brain Double Entry Journal

Pick 1 of the articles presented in class and complete in your journal.  You need a minimum of 3 Higher Order Thinking Questions with 3-5 sentence responses in your entry.  I will check in class, but you may attach a photo, as well.


Zombie Autopsies Mind Map #4 in Google Classroom

Zombie Autopsies Mind Map #4

Read pages 36-46 and create the last mind map.


Zombie Autopsies Mind Map #3 in Google Classroom

Zombie Autopsies Mind Map #3

Read pages 21-35 and create a 3rd mind map.


Zombie Autopsies Mind Map 2 in Google Classroom

Zombie Autopsies Mind Map 2

Rad pages 11-20 and create a mind map of the Journal.


Zombie Autopsies Reading and Mind Map Part 1 in Google Classroom

Zombie Autopsies Reading and Mind Map Part 1

Read and annotate pages 1-9 of the Zombie Autopsies.  Create a mind map of the background information.  Will be checked in class on WEDNESDAY!


FINAL Psych Experiment Presentation Template in Google Classroom

FINAL Psych Experiment Presentation Template

You are welcome to use/modify the attached template for use to create your poster.  There are guidelines on the slides to help you.  You are of course welcome to create your own.  Remember that you need to print this to attach to your poster to present at the psychology fair.  There are 2 model sattached for your reference, as well.


Teen Brain Parent Project in Google Classroom

Teen Brain Parent Project

As per the directions in class:  Create an educational presentation for BCA parents.  See the instructions in the attached docs and the rubric. All articles were given in class.  There are 2 examples attached for your reference.


MIDTERM: Identity Final Assessment in Google Classroom

MIDTERM: Identity Final Assessment

Using the Magic Carpet Reading, the exemplars attached here and your own experiences, thoughts and feelings, choose one of the topics/prompts to complete the assignment.


Masks in Culture Presentation in Google Classroom

Masks in Culture Presentation

Using the instructions on "The Masks we Wear", create a presentation on a topic of your choice (see the instructions).


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